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Voice Over Coaching

Not every actor is a voice actor. I've studied with a range of coaches, from private practice to a coordinated group of coaches working together, learning VO-specific skills as well as business practices that make your life easier.

Continuing Education

If you are standing still in voice over, you're falling behind. I regularly do workouts with GVAA, VOWW, and attend NAVA classes to keep myself sharp, up-to-date, and growing. 


VO-adjacent work like improv classes and training in other professions not only improves performance and script analysis, but also brings in outside skills that enrich my work in unique ways. 

Accents, etc

I have trained in several accents, including General American, American Southern, Deep South, and British RP. In the past I have also had training as a singer (mezzo), and was in a band (like so many of us).

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Training is the difference between a professional and a hobbyist. It's the difference between an actor with a voice, and a voice actor who will give you clean audio and understand the needs of your particular genre and project. It's the difference between a great VO who understands the business side of the work, and one who is inefficient and inconsistent and makes your business more difficult. In any scenario, you want a voice over actor with solid training.




Diana trained with a coach for a full year before hanging out her virtual shingle. Was that overkill? In retrospect she could probably have rushed though classes at a faster clip. The slower rate though allowed her to gain breadth and depth, and to figure out how her (varied, odd) life experiences translate to voice over work. She was able to go Full Geek and devour every new aspect of the craft and profession, and build a rich foundation before setting out to bring that to you, for your own work.




Lifelong learning is key.  Diana attends classes and workouts regularly for ongoing training. She's grateful the voice over always offers more to learn, and a vital, giving community in which to share and learn from each other. Do she know everything there is to know? Hell no! And you know what? That leaves room for *you* to teach her what you want, room to learn from each other, and enjoy the connections that learning and creating together make.





Let's make something awesome!


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